Wednesday 20 November 2019

Ethos, Enthusiasm and the 100-Day Marinduue Centennial Countdown

Unveiling of the centennial logo and groundbreaking of the centennial monument.
From left: GSO Rene Quezada, PA Vincent Michael Velasco, Atty Mara Sore, BM Adeline Angeles, BM Ishmael Lim, Boac Mayor, Armi Carrion, Vice-Gov. Jun Bacorro, Governor Presby Velasco, PEO Leal, BM John Pelaez, BM Jojo Leva, BM Gilbert Daquioag, BM John Fernandez and BM Mel Encabo.

'Ethos' means character in Greek. Marinduque has always been known as a peaceful province but sadly, to the point of being “lethargic” for some, "sleepy" or even one that has “slept the Rip Van Winkle sleep”. But it is apparently “waking up” now, as the local business sector now appears really bent on showing what it could contribute to progress, not what it could ask from the local government. There's a different kind of excitement to share what they really could offer as social media posts seem to prove. And it's in the air. There's enthusiasm you could feel, and if that's the case, then a fast-growing positive shift in ethos is encroaching.

Recently nothing could stop this excitement and enthusiasm, too in connection with a recent event, not even an intensified tropical cyclone warning by PAGASA and incessant rains could prevent the fever. People here from all over just want to get involved in said event - the 100-Day Countdown to Marinduque Centennial Year 2020.

100 years only? Some still wonder. How could mesmerizing Marinduque be so young when it has an ancient history, they ask. Indeed some of her towns were established more than 400 years ago. But perhaps, this mystical island smack center of the Philippines could be likened to a maiden cherished or coveted in various periods by provinces enamored by her - Batangas, Mindoro and the former Tayabas before she was given the chance to prove herself independent but only for a brief reign during the American period in 1901.

It took nearly two decades thenceforth until Gov. Gen. Francis Burton Harrison signed Executive Order No. 12 reestablishing this wondrous island as an independent province, and she has functioned without interruption since - but somehow remained 'lethargic' for a long time. 

Marinduque is the only remaining 4th Class island-province in terms of income in the MIMAROPA Region. There's no way to go but up now.

Marinduquenos have made it a point to kick-start her Centennial Year 2020 with a long motorcade around the island lasting for hours.

What transpired on November 14th, the start of the 100-day countdown?

Motorcade started from the Capitol. PNP Mobile Force was led by 
PD PCol Cresenciano Landicho 

One of the earliest to arrive at the Capitol for this event was no less than the 'Centennial Governor' himself, Gov. Presbitero “Presby” Velasco, Jr. Then other provincial officials led by Vice-Gov. Jun Bacorro and his board members came riding in their official cars properly displaying the colorful centennial logo. All department heads, heads of national government agencies, civil society orgs, the business sector and motorcycle groups joined the motorcade that started at 6:00 am.

Starting at Kilometer “0” right across the national road across the capitol. PNP Provincial Director, PCol Cresenciano A. Landicho together with his entire police mobile force effectively acted as marshals. They have earlier determined the motorcade route in coordination with the municipal PNPs.

Led by young festival drummers from Sta. Cruz riding a truck, the motorcade went south to Gasan with the entire officials of the municipality of Boac led by Mayor Armi Carrion decidedly joining the entire motorcade route throughout the island-province. Hundreds of screaming school children lined up the streets in areas where there are schools nearby waving paper flaglets .

Near the boundary of Boac-Gasan the contingent from the province’s ‘cultural nerve-center’ (Gasan) joined the motorcade with their own motorcycle riders up to boundary of Buenavista-Gasan where the Buenavista contingent complete with a drum and lyre corps were stationed, and where the Gasan group was to disengage.

Flaglets, banners, white and blue balloons and candies, fans and other giveaways were distributed to those lining up the streets to cheer the motorcade.

The same happy scenario was repeated as the motorcade passed through the towns of Torrijos Mayor Lorna Q. Velasco, of Sta. Cruz Mayor Tonton Uy, of Mogpog Mayor Augusto Livelo with all their municipal officials joining in, then back to Boac, arriving at the capitol grounds at about 11:30 am. The rains didn’t matter. Barangay officials then came, converging at the Convention Center to join the other invited guests for lunch and to watch other scheduled activities in the afternoon.

Meanwhile all capitol employees were having fun upon the arrival of the motorcade with a Boodle Fight set-up cum all-Filipino food at the back of the capitol building . Provincial administrator Vincent Michael Velasco joined them amid cheers.

A boodle-fight set-up at the capitol

A thanksgiving mass for all the wonderful blessings that the province of Marinduque was showered with by the Almighty in this period of history (‘we are on the cusp’ states Gov. Velasco), was celebrated by no less than the Bishop of Boac, Most Rev. Marcelino Maralit, Jr. at 1:00 pm at the Convention Center. Then the program started.

Most Reverend Bishop of Boac Marcelino Maralit 
celebrates the Thanksgiving Mass
Vice-Governor Romulo Bacorro, Jr, joined on stage by his hardworking board members wearing black T-shirts printed with the centennial logo, was happy to announce the declaration by the SP of Gov. Velasco as the ‘Centennial Governor’, Rep. Lord Allan Velasco as the ‘Centennial Congressman’ (the next Speaker of the House was prevented by the rough seas to travel from Lucena), and the 15th SP as the ‘Centennial Sangguniang Panlalawigan’.

This was followed by the SP adoption of the Centennial Logo and the winning Centennial Song, “Nag-aalab na Puso”, composed by three students of Marinduque National High School. Then the meaning of the Centennial Logo was read by the emcee, Rino Labay of PDRRMO, who also announced the issuance of an Executive Order by Velasco enjoining all concerned LGUs, NGAs, business establishments to use the centennial logo in their letterheads, documents, business permits and tarps.

Then it was Gov. Velasco’s turn to deliver his “Ulat” on the Dawning of the Golden Era for Marinduque. Guided merely by a few slide photos, the governor delivered a speech from the heart, not once taking a glance at his prepared speech. The very appreciative audience interrupted him several times with their applause.

Centennial Governor Presby Velasco

Velasco highlighted just some of the accomplishments made during his first months as governor. Some of them, among many others he mentioned, was an unprecedented move to expropriate the Marcopper mine site of all lands titled or untitled, and repair of the Marcopper roads that have been neglected for decades and has been a perennial outcry of many barangays in the area since then; he also shared a consensus that the class suit against the owners of Marcopper shall now be filed in the Philippines instead of Canada.

Then after talks with DBP top officials the provincial government’s existing loan has been substantially reduced from 245-M to 187-M, he announced, therefore saving on huge interests. He also reported that his revenue generation program through economic enterprise has generated P 3-M for only three months (August-October 2019), through commercial sand and gravel activities as compared to only P 500,000 recorded by the Treasury during the first 6 months of 2019.

And to solve the perennial problem with lack of essential drugs and medicines in the provincial and district hospitals, as well as the lack of medical equipment the Governor reported that a consignment and concession agreement with MacTycoon Marketing has been entered into by the provincial government: 

"Hopefully by middle of December we will not have the same problem with supply of medicines... They will soon be bringing in a lot of medical equipment that we don't have right now because we just don't have the money to buy... medical services that our kababayans have been deprived of will soon be available such as state-of-the-art CT-scan, dialysis machines, state-of-the-art x-ray machine and equipment, complete laboratory facilities, 2D-echo, BCG..." (louder applause);

As elected president of the League of Provinces of the Philippines (LPP), he has sought the implementation hopefully by next year, of LGU share in national taxes that could mean automatic release of the amount of P 1-Billion for each province.

Unprecedented in the island-province to solve one of the most pressing issues. A consignment and concession agreement to provide essential drug and medicines, hospital and medical equipment signed.

More applause. The first days of brave initiatives and significant actions indeed, in the dawning of the golden era for Marinduque...

After Gov. Velasco’s truly inspiring and enlightening speech, everyone was invited to the capitol grounds just outside the Convention Center to witness the ceremonial unveiling of the Centennial Logo handled by the tourism office and the groundbreaking ceremony for the Centennial Marker organized by Board Member Mel Encabo, chair of SP’s tourism and culture and arts committee. Vice-Governor Bacorro and his board members led by BM Adeline Angeles joined the ceremonies.

The awaited day-long event was capped by the turn-over to the capitol of vehicles and equipment from DA-PRDP and agricultural supplies and farm equipment to farmer beneficiaries from the six towns.

Marinduque News’ correspondent Adrian Rosales and company covered the entirety of the motorcade with live streaming on Facebook and also reported on the afternoon events.

By 5:00 pm with intermittent rains the 12-hours of non-stop activity was over but not a people’s happiness and continued excitement for the forthcoming Centennial events even as, courtesy of Tropical Storm Ramon, night fell so quickly.